Thursday, April 30, 2015

Custom Jobs

My buddy, Hot Fire Forge: Derrick Bliss, best get his a$$ in shape because we got some custom railings to do this weekend! Jobs from the Home & Garden show are still trickling in. Want one of your own? Let me know.

Aside: Don't let me fool ya, I'm going to be the one napping while he's not looking...


Measured a set of interior railings with a handrail last night. Replacing the dated wood with custom iron that is going to enhance this beautiful contemporary house. Stay tuned...

Old Glory

Belt Buckle: Old Glory - SOLD at Home & Garden Show. Interested in having a buckle for yourself or a loved one? Let me know.
Custom is Cool!


Well, the jobs are trickling in from our presence at the Lansing Home & Garden show. Handrails... straight and curved, simple and beautiful. Other leads are developing too, so stay tuned.
Hot Fire Forge: Derrick Bliss

Lansing Home and Garden Show

What a weekend at the Home and Garden Show!! Long and hard on the lower back, but we have orders for a few handrails and developed leads for future projects.
I'll keep you all posted as the projects come to life... with Hot Fire Forge: Derrick Bliss