Saturday, August 17, 2013

WLNS - Article for Potter Park Zoo Project

More publicity, this time my creation is THE photo for the article... I feel a bit like a new papa.

Potter Park Zoo dedication

Here are some pictures of the sculpture dedication at Potter Park Zoo today. Notice that beautiful big cat getting attention!

Potter Park Zoo News - Fox 47

New proposal

uh-oh, another proposal came out - make that one submitted and THREE more to go. No rest for creative genius...


Not only do I make pretty things, I make useful things.
And I'm not talking only about my kids.

City of St. Johns proposal

St. Johns proposal submitted. Two more to go. Contract with Mason finally ready to be signed so work can start. Busy, busy. Gotta love it though!

Fire Pit Grill for the Family

Project from last weekend... My family is heading to a cabin (yes, without me - waaaaa) and needed cooking gear. Here's the adjustable, portable grill. Also made up/spruced up a variety of campfire tools too.