Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Well, another fun weekend in Old Town Lansing!

Well, another fun weekend in Old Town Lansing! Festivals of the Moon and Sun were nice, as usual. Both the weather and the attendance was great.

Disappointed with results in ScrapFest judging, however I'm happy for Andy and his second place. We'll see about next year...

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Mobile ScrapFest 2013

Here's coverage of the mobile display for ScrapFest. My friend Barb narrates while the camera gets shots of the pieces - including our fish ladder.


Dace K-13 Metal Art in scrapfest Video

In case you missed it (which I did)...

[hey, that's me in the image below, which is about all you see of me in the video]

St Johns requests RFP - A new opportunity for our next sculpture.

St. Johns is one of the communities chosen for the next round of public sculptures. I hope my current success streak continues, it would suck not to get the hometown prize....


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

New public sculpture for City of Mason

Yippee! Awaiting contact from the City of Mason, but this is too exciting to hold in. I've been selected by committee to create a public sculpture for them.

If you're curious you can watch the recommendation yourself on city council replay (http://www.mason.mi.us/3videostation.htm ~ Click on meeting June, 17th, 2013 then forward to 45:43min. mark).

Or, in short, it was an easy, unanimous decision. woo-hoo!

Final Journey on the road

Final Journey sculpture is on wheels today, tomorrow, and Thurday then back to Old Town with the others. 


#torchgrindwin #scrapfest2013 #oldtownscrapfest


Scrapfest this Friday and Saturday!

Get out there and support us artists. Taking scrap and turning into art is hard work. If it was easy, everybody would be doing it! ;)
June 21 at 6:00pm
Old Town
  • Dace N Koenigsknecht
  • Andrew D. Sandstedt
  • Jen Estill
  • Laura Heiler Wallis
  • Julie Boardwine Gill
  • Robin Robinson Kennedy
  • Kris Hartwick
Invite Friends · You're going

Monday, June 17, 2013

Exciting Announcement??? Watch and see!

I have reason to believe that an exciting announcement will be coming forth soon. What could it be faithful fans?!?

Friday, June 14, 2013

Final Journey - Scrapfest 2013

ScrapFest entry unveiled... Final Journey. Salmon swimming up a fish ladder. Lots of detail that you need to see to appreciate. Next weekend in Old Town Lansing.

Job well done "Iron in the Blood" team Dace K-13 Metal Art, Jeff Seeyle, and David K-13

Snow Leopard Installed

From sketch to completion. Another job well done... installation in the sensory garden inside potter park zoo tomorrow. 
Isn't she pretty?! Snow Leopard installed in its new home


Snow Leopard Completed

From sketch to completion. Another job well done... installation in the sensory garden inside potter park zoo tomorrow.  Visit the snow leopard at Potter Park Zoo.

Future home of the snow leopard

Future home of the snow leopard. Beautiful location.

Scrapfest teaser

Scrapfest teaser... What is it? An amphitheater for Barbie? A wall of rusty junk? Hmmmmm

Update! Whatta week

Whew. Whatta week! The end is in sight.

Scrapfest piece is nearly complete, and definitely a few notches above previous years.

Snow Leopard is drying and awaiting a Friday install. After countless hours, this piece is looking fantastic.

More updates (with pics) later in the week... Thanks fans.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Finally, thought this week would never end (desk job is M-Th). On vacation next week so now the real work begins...

Potter Park Zoo piece (Snow Leopard) is getting ready for installation next week - fingers crossed. Need to finish it up and clear coat it, so the stars should align any minute now ?!?!?

At the same time ScrapFest is happening. Thankfully the team is progressing nicely without me right now. It's due next Friday AM.

If anyone needs me before then, you'll find me in my shop under all the dust and debris of artistic genius...

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Happy Customer

Doreen Gallagher Baker
Dace K-My new bottle trees . Made by my good friend Dace Koenigsknecht. .... Dace K-13 Metal Art.

Love it, another happy customer. Doesn't get much better than that...Thanks Doreen


Scrapfest Video

YES!!! Another goal - make it into a ScrapFest video - CHECK! Awesome...
Thanks to Old Town Lansing, Such Video, and my friend Brittney Hoszkiw for everything!


Scrapfest update

Come on down to Old Town Lansing June 22-23 to see the true value of scrap metal.

2014 Old Town ScrapFest - We're In! Team: Iron in the Blood

My dad and I will be joined this year by Jeff Seelye, who finally relented to my constant nagging to get involved. Now he better bring his A-game or else... :)


Scrapfest 2013

Oh, and don't forget that Old Town Lansing's ScrapFest starts this Saturday with our hour in the scrapyard. Clear the calendar... and the shop floor - ScrapFest is here!

City of Mason Project

The sculpture proposals for the City of Mason have been whittled down and recommendations submitted to City Council. They are supposed to take the issue up at their mid-June meeting. The wait continues.

One down, one to go, three on the horizon...


Yippee. Sold two spheres last weekend at Crooked Tree Nursery. Hopefully this gets the ball rolling (haha - sphere... ball...). I kill myself.

DeWitt Project update

Bummer. I came in second for the gateway sculpture project in DeWitt Township. Really happy to be a finalist.

The Township Manager said the two of us were even and the decision was very difficult. The committee felt I had the most integrated overall design, and they were impressed with my presentation. He called me to tell me this because a letter just wouldn't do. Can't ask for more than that!

DeWitt Township Project

Friday was the deadline for final proposals to DeWitt Township. Whew, that was a lot of work and I don't even have the job. Decision next month...
In the meantime, work on the Potter Park sculpture will commence. Need to move it along before ScrapFest starts June 1.

Blacksmith Demonstration at Crooked Tree Nursery

To celebrate Mother's Day and gardening we did a Blacksmith Demonstration at our preferred landscaping company. Dace made a day lily for the gentleman in the picture.  We have items for sale at the nursery. 
